
Who is Gemango

Gemango Software Services Inc. is an outsourcing and offshore service provider specializing in serving the SME markets in Western Europe where we want you to do what the big spenders do without the necessity to spent big.

Why Gemango?

At Gemango we try to make the difference with our bigger colleagues to focus on the hurtles we encountered ourselves during outsourcing projects prior to the setup of Gemango Software Servies Inc. We cannot stress enough the importance of our 2 main pillars "Communication and Documentation". The key to transparency.

Why The Philippines

In all honesty we can state that it is not easy to guide a remote team, both near- as offshore, even with a decent background in outsourcing. If problems arise and both parties don't master thoroughly the English language a solution is further away than ever.

After Office Hours

Cebu is a booming metropolitan area with all the conveniences of a modern city combined with the rich history heritage, offering hotels ranging from budget to 5-star international hotels offering all western standard services at very competitive rates and limitless luxury.